Did you know? Companies have found that remote work increases productivity and reduces their bottom line. - LinkedIn

With remote work well and truly now the norm and NZ now at Level Red we thought a few tips on how to successfully onboard new employees remotely may be needed. Onboarding isn’t something that’s optional. It’s a crucial way to help new employees learn the basics of their jobs, understand workplace culture and ensure they have the necessary tools to be successful.

1. Ensure they are set up for success

Investing in the right technology is key. Order equipment, set up internal systems, and confirm their at-home space is ready before their first day.

2. Set realistic expectations

Set clear expectations for new hires. Remote employees may feel a need to prove themselves and consequently begin to experience burnout or feel unappreciated in their attempts. Prevent these issues by setting tasks and schedules. When remote workers know what’s expected, they’re more inclined to give themselves room to recharge and participate in meaningful ways.

3. Don’t squeeze every onboarding session into one day

Space meetings and training sessions out over your new hires’ first week to give them time to settle in.

4. Encourage a supportive team culture

Create an opportunity for new hires to meet the entire team or company so they begin to form team bonds. Additionally, assigning the new employee a mentor/co-worker who  they can meet with via Zoom etc shows how much you support their personal development. It also provides both parties an opportunity to get to know each other.

5. Create a coaching plan or set up regular check ins

Managers should take the opportunity early on to build a relationship with new team members and help them understand how the team and company are organised. Schedule frequent and regular check-ins and keep an eye on how your new hires are doing.

Keep in mind that, if they’re struggling, they may keep quiet about it because they want to be viewed as competent. Ask your remote employee a few open-ended questions to allow for clarification and to check for any confusion.

Working virtually can be a challenge for those used to a traditional workspace, so managers need to make sure new virtual hires can hit the ground running on the first day. In an uncertain time, it’s even more important to keep the lines of communication open and provide opportunities for questions and feedback.